1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mograph.social moderators.

  1. Be respectful of one another.
  2. Hate speech, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatmisia, xenophobia and/or violent nationalism, or the advocation of all of the above will not be tolerated and any account engaging in such acts will be suspended immediately.
  3. No content that includes sexual depictions of minors (this includes loli), content illegal in Germany and/or France, such as holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism, conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism.
  4. We don't allow any illegal activity in the EU (and/or any link to that).
  5. No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users.
  6. No explicit (NSFW) content without content warnings and/or sensitive media markers. Explicit content must not be used in user avatars or header images.
  7. No NFT content, DAO, web3 promotion or any kind of cryptobros content. There are more suitable instances available for this type of content and communities.
  8. No registrations of famous trademarks or username squatting (impersonification of famous personalities).
  9. No spamming and/or 4chan style memes.
  10. No advertising unless it is strictly sef-promotion (see Code of Conduct for more details).
  11. No users under 16 years of age, as per EU and EEA jurisdiction regulations (GDPR).